Tuesday, 29 December 2009

5 facts you probably didn't know about me

1. I share my birthday with my brother but, we're not twins he's three years older than me.
2. I am very competative. To the point where I have to be walking faster than the person in front of me, just so 'I win'.
3. I'm the goofiest cool person I know
4. I've had my guitar for two (or is it three?) years and I still don't know how to play.
5. I really want to go and study at the International College of Photography, but the idea of moving to New York when I'm only 19, scares the living daylights out of me.

Saturday, 12 December 2009

I've been totally overcome with photography projects, essays and exams recently. College is literally taking over my life. It seems now that photography is in its full swing, everyone wants me to shoot for them, as well has having my own assignment; which is Pictures and Magazines. Every other girl in the class is relating their project to VOGUE, so I decided to step away from that and went with Men's Fashion and Street Fashion, so that's going well.

I have such an urge to go out and spend all my money in charity shops, but being a broke student with no job, this close to Christmas, going shopping for crap I don't need is impractical.

Again no pictures. I lost my memory stick.